Institute for Higher Education Research
1146 - Hungary, Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21.
Phone: +36 (1) 220-80-56; +36 (1) 221-40-34, +36(1) 221-03-65

Youth Research Group

The researches of the group formed in 1995 used to be focussed on establishing correlations between the transition of society in general and youth, in particular, entering a new era. At present the main fields of research are social and career mobility for youth, observation of elite groups of youth, with particular attention to the transition of the educational system, to the value orientation of young people that has changed, and to the question of identity of the young. One of the focal points when a biographical survey of youth is carried out is to reveal to what extent they are endangered (by smoking, alcohol or drugs), besides highlighting the changes in the way they spend their free time, or how their patterns for participation in politics have changed and, within this topic, with special attention to the questions of students rights and aggression. Also taken into consideration when these fields are studied, the different class identities, gender differences and the differences due to different geographic places. Comparative surveys have been found to be vital from the very beginning, so that is why the situation of Hungarian ethnic students living in the neighbouring countries has been studied since the 1990's.

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